Dear all,
The next talk in the IARCS Verification Seminar Series will be given
by Alastair Donaldson, a Professor and Director of Research in the
Department of Computing at Imperial College London. The talk is scheduled
on Tuesday, March 4, at 1900 hrs IST (add to Google calendar
The details of the talk can be found on our webpage (, and also appended to the body of this
The Verification Seminar Series, an initiative by the Indian Association
for Research in Computing Science (IARCS), is a monthly, online
talk-series, broadly in the area of Formal Methods and Programming
Languages, with applications in Verification and Synthesis. The aim of this
talk-series is to provide a platform for Formal Methods researchers to
interact regularly. In addition, we hope that it will make it easier for
researchers to explore newer problems/areas and collaborate on them, and
for younger researchers to start working in these areas.
All are welcome to join.
Best regards,
Akash, Deepak, Madhukar, Srivathsan
Title: Taking Back Control: Formally Modelling a Compiler Intermediate
Representation for GPU Computing
Meeting Link:
(Meeting ID: 891 6409 4870, Passcode: 082194)
We will present our POPL 2023 work on using formal modelling and analysis
techniques to understand and fix fundamental problems in the design of
SPIR-V, a compiler intermediate representation that is widely-used in GPU
computing. An innovation of SPIR-V is that it features special instructions
that allow information about high level control flow constructs to be
documented in its otherwise-unstructured basic block-based representation.
The idea is that compilers can exploit this information to generate
efficient GPU-specific machine code. However, the original definitions of
these instructions and the rules that govern them were fraught with
ambiguities, preventing users of SPIR-V from understanding their purpose
and hindering their use by compiler developers. We used the Alloy modelling
language and analysis tool to build an initial best-effort formal model of
SPIR-V control flow, after which we iteratively refined the model by
cross-checking it against official documentation, test suites and
validation tools, consulting with experts in industry to resolve
differences. Along the way we fixed numerous deficiencies in these test
suites and validation tools, and ended up with agreement between our
revised formal model and these other sources of truth about SPIR-V. We then
rewrote relevant parts of the English language formal specification based
on our rigorous formal model, and our changes to the language have been
incorporated in the latest version of the SPIR-V specification. As an added
bonus, we devised a novel technique for automated testing of SPIR-V
compilers that uses our formal model to generate unusual control flow
graphs which are then fleshed out into self-checking SPIR-V test cases.
This led to the discovery of numerous bugs affecting open source and
commercial SPIR-V compilers.
Bio: Alastair Donaldson is a Professor in the Department of Computing at
Imperial College London where he is Director of Research and leads the
Multicore Programming Group, investigating novel techniques and tool
support for programming, testing and reasoning about highly parallel
systems and their programming languages. He was Founder and Director of
GraphicsFuzz Ltd., a start-up company specialising in metamorphic testing
of graphics drivers, which was acquired by Google in 2018, after which he
spent time working with Google as a software engineer and then as a
Visiting Researcher. He was the recipient of the 2017 BCS Roger Needham
Award and an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship, and has published more than 100
articles in the fields of programming languages, formal verification,
software testing and parallel programming. Alastair was previously a
Visiting Researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond, an EPSRC Postdoctoral
Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and a Research Engineer at
Codeplay Software Ltd. He holds a PhD from the University of Glasgow, and
is a Fellow of the British Computer Society.
Call for Papers
21-23 May, 2025, Rabat, Morocco
NETYS aims to bring together researchers and engineers from the theory and practice of distributed and networked systems. The scope of the conference covers all aspects related to the design and the development of these systems, including, but not restricted to, cloud systems, formal verification, concurrent and distributed algorithms, data management, data science, parallel/concurrent/distributed programming, machine learning theory and applications, large language models, multicore architectures, networks, and security.
NETYS will provide a forum to report on best practices, novel algorithms, results, and techniques on networked systems. Original research contributions and experience papers on the principles, design, implementation, modeling, analysis, verification and application of networked systems are solicited. Topics of interest are broadly divided into three categories: networked systems, distributed computing and machine learning.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Cloud systems and data centers
- Cyber-physical systems
- Distributed database, embedded and operating systems
- Multicore architectures and multithreaded applications
- Distributed ledgers and blockchain technologies
- Internet of Things, 5G, URLLC
- Mobile, wireless, ad-hoc and sensor networks
- Social networks
- Overlay and peer-to-peer infrastructures
- Concurrency, synchronization and persistence
- Distributed and concurrent data structures
- Languages, verification and formal methods for distributed systems
- Design and analysis of distributed algorithms
- Lower bounds and impossibility results for distributed computing
- Game theory, mechanisms design
- Fault-tolerance, reliability, self-stabilizing, self-organizing, and autonomic systems
- Collaborative intelligent systems
- Collaborative/federated learning
- Distributed Machine learning
- Trustworthy machine learning
- Large language models theory and applications
- Fairness and privacy in machine learning
- Reinforcement learning theory and applications
- Generative AI
- Optimization algorithms
IMPORTANT DATES (all deadlines are at 23:59 AoE)
- Abstract submission: March 1st, 2025
- Paper submission: March 8th, 2025
- Notifications: April 14th, 2025
- Conference dates: May 21st-23rd, 2025
- Swarat Chaudhuri (University of Texas & Google DeepMind, Austin, USA)
- Mohamed El Amine Seddik (Technology Innovation Institute, AD, UAE)
- Sanjit Seshia (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
- Marc Shapiro (Sorbonne Universite, Paris, France)
- Praneeth Vepakomma (MBZUAI, Abu Dhabi, UAE & MIT, Cambridge, USA)
Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series will publish conference proceedings ( One of the authors of each accepted paper must present it at the conference.
All submissions must follow the LNCS template and be written in English. Full papers are allowed a maximum of 15 pages in the LNCS format, excluding bibliographic references, whereas short papers are allowed a maximum of 5 pages (in the same format).
Papers exceeding these limits may be rejected without review. A clearly
marked appendix can be included for supplementary materials, but it will be
read at the reviewers' discretion; therefore, the main body of the paper
should contain sufficient details to assess its contributions.
Submission of papers is via Microsoft CMT:
Madhavan Mukund <madhavan(a)>
Salem Lahlou <salem.lahlou(a)>
El Mehdi Achour (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
S Akshay (IIT Bombay, India)
Reda Alami (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE)
Robert Basmadjian (University Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Ben Guerir, Morocco)
Yahya Benkaouz (Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco)
Mahmoud El Hamlaoui (ENSIAS, Morocco)
Bernd Freisleben (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany)
Eduard Gorbunov (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE)
Loic Helouet (University Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA, France)
Alex Hernandez-Garcia (University of Montreal and Mila – Quebec AI Institute, Canada)
Zahi Jarir (Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco)
Mohamed Jmaeil (University of Sfax, Tunisia)
Mohamed Amine Koulali (National School of Applied Sciences of Oujda, Morocco)
Salem Lahlou (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE (Co-chair))
Tongliang Liu (University of Sydney, Australia)
Nils Lukas (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE)
Anisur Rahaman Molla (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India)
Madhavan Mukund (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India (Co-chair))
Andreas Podelski (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Maria Potop-Butucaru (LIP6, Sorbonne University, France)
Sergio Rajsbaum (UNAM, Mexico)
Mohamed El Amine Seddik (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE)
Pradeep Sharma (ServiceNow, USA)
B Srivathsan (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
Afaf Taik (Mila – Quebec AI Institute, Canada)
Sebastien Tixeuil (LIP6, Sorbonne University, France)
Ahmed Touati (Meta AI, France)
Mahesh Viswanathan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Call for Papers
ATVA 2025
23rd International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification
and Analysis
27-30 October 2025
Bangalore, India
ATVA 2025 is the 23rd in a series of Symposia aimed at bringing together
academics, industrial researchers and practitioners in the area of
theoretical and practical aspects of automated analysis, synthesis, and
verification of hardware and software systems. ATVA solicits high
quality submissions in the following suggestive list of topics:
* Formalisms for modeling hardware, software and embedded systems
* Specification and verification of finite-state, infinite-state and
parameterized systems
* Program analysis and software verification
* Analysis and verification of hardware circuits, systems-on-chip and
embedded systems
* Analysis of real-time, hybrid, priced, weighted and probabilistic systems
* Deductive, algorithmic, compositional, and abstraction/refinement
techniques for analysis and verification
* Analytical techniques for safety, security, and dependability
* Testing and runtime analysis based on verification technology
* Analysis and verification of parallel and concurrent systems
* Verification in industrial practice
* Synthesis for hardware and software systems
* Applications and case studies of verification
* Automated tool support for verification
* Testing and verification of neural networks
* Testing and verification of autonomous systems
* Abstract submission deadline: April 11, 2025 (AoE)
* Paper submission deadline: April 18, 2025 (AoE)
* Author response period: June 10 -- 13, 2025
* Paper notification: June 25, 2025 (AoE)
* Camera-ready deadline: July 25, 2025 (AoE)
* Tutorials and Workshops: October 27, 2025
* Conference: October 28 – October 30, 2025
ATVA welcomes submissions in the following two categories:
* Regular research papers (18 pages, excluding references, must be
* Tool papers (10 pages, excluding references, not anonymized)
Submissions in both categories must be in Springer's LNCS format.
Formatting style files and further guidelines for formatting can be
found at the Springer website
<>. Adding line numbers
(LaTeX package lineno) is highly recommended. Submissions authored or
co-authored by members of the program committee are allowed and encouraged.
An artifact evaluation will be undertaken, which will be optional for
regular papers and mandatory for tool papers.
Papers must be submitted through EasyChair:
Accepted papers in both categories will be published in Springer's
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. A few outstanding paperswill
be selected for a distinguished paper award. At least one author of each
accepted paper is expected to register and present the paper at the
Regular papers
Regular papers should not exceed 18 pages in Springer’s LNCS format, not
counting references and appendices. Additional material may be placed in
an appendix, to be read at the discretion of the reviewers, and to be
omitted in the final version.
Regular papers at ATVA 2025 will follow a full double-blind review
process, which means that author names and affiliations must be omitted
from the submission. Additionally, if a submission refers to prior work
done by the authors, the reference should be made in the third person.
These are firm submission requirements, and any regular paper that does
not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. We
strongly encourage authors to not put the work on arXiv before (within 1
week) or shortly after (within 1 month) the submission deadline, because
potential reviewers may be subscribed to receive updates on recently
posted papers.
Authors of accepted regular papers will be invited (but are not
required) to submit a relevant artifact for evaluation by the artifact
evaluation committee. The submission deadline for this artifact
evaluation will be soon after the paper acceptance notification.
Independent of the artifact evaluation process, research paper authors
are encouraged to include a URL to an artifact in their original
submission, if such an artifact is available and is pertinent to the
paper. The artifact could contain code, datasets, results, etc. This
would be for the consideration of the reviewers of the submission, at
their discretion. If such a URL is included in the submission, the
artifact it points to should not reveal the identities of the authors.
Tool papers
Tool papers should not exceed 10 pages in Springer’s LNCS format, not
counting references. Tool papers will follow a single-blind review
process. They do NOT need to be anonymized.
Tool paper submissions MUST include a URL to an archival site from
where the tool can be downloaded or accessed online for evaluation by
the artifact evaluation committee. The site must also contain a set of
examples, and a user manual that describes usage of the tool through
examples. If the tool needs to be downloaded and installed, the site
must contain instructions for installing the tool on Linux, Windows or
MacOS. Packing the artifact as a Docker container is recommended. Papers
describing tools that have already been presented (in any conference)
will be accepted only if significant and clear enhancements to the tool
are reported and implemented.
Acceptance of tool paper submissions is contingent on successful
artifact evaluation at the “functional” level. In special cases, where
an artifact cannot be submitted, the authors should contact the Artifact
Evaluation chairs to find alternate modes of artifact evaluation. More
details about artifact evaluation can be found on
the<>conference web
General Chair
Deepak D’Souza, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Program Co-Chairs
* Meenakshi D’Souza, IIIT-Bangalore, India
* K. V. Raghavan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
* B. Srivathsan, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India
Local Organization Chair
Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti, IIIT-Bangalore, India
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs
* Jie An, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
* Priyanka Golia, IIT Delhi, India
Program Committee
S. Akshay, IIT Bombay, India
Etienne André, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
Guy Avni, University of Haifa, Israel
Gogul Balakrishnan, Google, USA
A R Balasubramanian, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Ansuman Banerjee, Indian Statistical Institute, India
Suguman Bansal, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Dirk Beyer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), Germany
Mingshuai Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Yu-Fang Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Yunja Choi, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Christoph Csallner, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Meenakshi D’Souza, International Institute of Information Technology
Bangalore, India
Rayna Dimitrova, CISPA, Germany
Susanna Donatelli, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Grigory Fedyukovich, Florida State University, USA
Hongfei Fu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Orna Grumberg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Shibashis Guha, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India
Ashutosh Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Ichiro Hasuo, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Frédéric Herbreteau, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, LaBRI, France
Orna Kupferman, Hebrew Univ, Jerusalem, Israel
Milan Lopuaa-Zwakenberg, Univ of Twente, Netherlands
Kumar Madhukar, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Shahar Maoz, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Umang Mathur, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Ashish Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
Benjamin Monmege, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Sergio Mover, École Polytechnique, France
Kartik Nagar, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Daniel Neider, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Youssouf Oualhadj, Université Paris Est Créteil, France
Andreas Pavlogiannis, Aarhus University, Denmark
Doron Peled, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Lauren Pick, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Sumanth Prabhu, Tata Consultancy Services, India
M. Praveen, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India
Xiaokang Qiu, Purdue University, USA
Komondoor Raghavan, Indian Institute of Science, India
Muralikrishna Ramanathan, Amazon, USA
Jie-Hong Roland Jiang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Subhajit Roy, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Krishna S, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Prakash Saivasan, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India
Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Univ. Colorado Boulder, USA
Anne-Kathrin Schmuck, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Arpit Sharma, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal,
B Srivathsan, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India
Quentin Stiévenart, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Vaishnavi Sundararajan, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Nathalie Sznajder, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, LIP6, France
Aditya V Thakur, University of California, Davis, USA
Yakir Vizel, Technion, Israel
Masaki Waga, Kyoto University, Japan
Zhilin Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
As requested by many authors, we extend the paper submission deadlines. The new submission deadlines are 16 February 2025 (Paper Registration) and 23 February 2025 (Full Paper Submission).
The 33rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2025)
2-4 July 2025, Gold Coast, Australia
We invite the submission of manuscripts presenting original research results to the IEEE/ACM
International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS) 2025, which will be held from July
2-4, 2025, in Gold Coast, Australia. Quality of Service (QoS) has long been a central focus
for communications and networking researchers worldwide. While traditional QoS research
areas continue to garner significant interest, emerging domains such as the Internet of
Things, data centers, virtualization, cloud and fog computing, green computing, and
artificial intelligence are driving a new wave of research into service guarantees related
to QoS, Quality of Experience (QoE), Quality of Protection (QoP), Software Quality, Data
Quality, and, more broadly, Quality of Information Technology.
For over two decades, IWQoS has established itself as a premier forum for presenting novel
ideas on all QoS-related subjects. The 33rd International Symposium on Quality of Service
(IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2025) aims to continue this tradition as an international platform for the
presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research in the field. The scope of IWQoS
encompasses both the latest theoretical advancements and experimental research papers.
Topics of Interest
- Artificial Intelligence for QoS
- Data analytics for QoS
- QoS for data analytics and machine learning
- QoS in Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-physical networks
- QoS in cloud computing, fog computing and edge computing
- Blockchain for QoS
- Security, privacy, system dependability, resilience and robustness
- QoS in software-defined networking
- QoS in information-centric networking
- QoS in mobile and next generation cellular networks
- System dependability, availability, resilience and robustness to faults and security
- Robustness against security vulnerabilities in critical infrastructures
- QoS-aware scheduling, resource management, queue management, admission control
- Traffic engineering approaches and tools for QoS provisioning and evaluation
- QoS evaluation metrics and methodologies
- Quality of software
- QoE in multimedia networks
- Measurement, evaluation, adaptation, and verification
- Network operations, network economics, pricing and billing
- Architectures and protocols for QoS, QoP or QoE support
- Energy awareness in communication and computing systems
- Design for future networks and computing systems with integrated QoS
Important Dates (AoE)
- Paper Registration Deadline: 16 February 2025
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: 23 February 2025
- Early Rejection Notification: 14 March 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: 4 April 2025
- Camera Ready Submission Deadline: 25 April 2025
Submission Instructions
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts not exceeding 10 single-spaced, double-column
pages (including references) using a font size of 10 points, formatted according to the
standard IEEE template for LaTeX or Microsoft Word. Templates can be downloaded by selecting
Conferences in the IEEE Template Selector at
The review process will be double-blind, requiring submissions to avoid revealing the
authors' names and affiliations, as well as to refrain from obvious self-references. Papers
that do not adhere to these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their
merits. All submissions must be made electronically as PDF files.
Please follow the submission like on to submit your paper.
More information can be found on the website of IWQoS 2025:
Organizing Committee
General Co-Chairs
- Dan Kim, The University of Queensland, Australia
- Surya Nepal, CSIRO's Data61, Australia
Program Co-Chairs
- Qi Li, Tsinghua University, China
- Salil Kanhere, The University of New South Wales, Australia
- Guangdong Bai, The University of Queensland, Australia
Finance/Sponsorship Chair
- Xingliang Yuan, The University of Melburne, Australia
Local Co-Chairs
- Naipeng Dong, The University of Queensland, Australia
- Yu Zhang, Griffith University, Australia
Publicity Co-Chairs
- Jianliang Wu, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Neeraj Kumar Singh, IRIT-ENSEEIHT, France
- Ruitao Feng, Southern Cross University, Australia
Publication Chair
- Kailong Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Special Issue of Journal of Systems Architecture on Security and Privacy in AIoT-enabled Smart Cities…
In a smart city, numerous artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) communicate and collaborate to improve our quality of life. Both artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of things (IoT) are foundational technologies that have been interacting with each other to realize a smart life. As massive amounts of sensitive data are generated, processed, and exchanged through IoT devices and AI technologies, one of the fundamental problems is how to provide intelligent services in smart cities without compromising security and privacy. This special issue aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in IoT, AI, and network security, to share their novel ideas and latest findings in relation to security and privacy in AIoT-enabled smart cities. The scope and interests for the special issue include, but are not limited to, the following list:
● Secure IoT infrastructure for smart cities
● Secure smart city applications, including secure AI-driven IoT applications
● Authentication and access control in IoT-enabled smart cities
● Intrusion detection for IoT-enabled smart cities
● Architectures and standards for secure IoT systems
● AI and big data techniques for IoT-enabled secure smart cities
● Blockchain technology for IoT-enabled secure smart cities
● Secure multi-party computation techniques for ML
● Security optimization in heterogeneous environments
● AI-driven mechanisms and models to perform attacks
● Security and privacy issues in AI-enabled IoT communications and systems
● Privacy-preserving ML
● Privacy-preserving data mining
● Privacy and anonymity techniques for IoT and AI
● Data privacy in AIoT-enabled smart cities
● Privacy preserving techniques for IoT-enabled smart cities
● Privacy modeling and analysis for IoT-enabled smart cities
● Miscellaneous privacy issues in AIoT-enabled smart cities
Important Dates
Submissions Deadline: April 1, 2025;
First-round pass notification: April 15, 2025;
Review result notification: June 1, 2025;
Acceptance/rejection: August 30, 2025;
Publication: 2nd Quarter 2025
Submission Format and Guideline
Authors should follow the "Guidelines for Authors" from The Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA). Details can be found at Guide for authors - Journal of Systems Architecture (…).
Solicited original submissions must not be currently under consideration for publication in other venues. All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through Submission site for Journal of Systems Architecture ( Please select the “VSI:SPASS” option as article type of the paper.
Guest editors:
Associate Prof. Qin Liu
Hunan University, Changsha, China
Prof. Kouichi Sakurai
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Prof. Richard Hill
University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
Associate Prof. Wenjia Li
UK New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, USA
Dr. Qin Liu
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
Hunan University
Changsha, Hunan Province,P.R. China, 410082
Mobile: +86-13548577157
Email: gracelq628(a); gracelq628(a)
The 33rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2025)
2-4 July 2025, Gold Coast, Australia
We invite the submission of manuscripts presenting original research results to the IEEE/ACM
International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS) 2025, which will be held from July
2-4, 2025, in Gold Coast, Australia. Quality of Service (QoS) has long been a central focus
for communications and networking researchers worldwide. While traditional QoS research
areas continue to garner significant interest, emerging domains such as the Internet of
Things, data centers, virtualization, cloud and fog computing, green computing, and
artificial intelligence are driving a new wave of research into service guarantees related
to QoS, Quality of Experience (QoE), Quality of Protection (QoP), Software Quality, Data
Quality, and, more broadly, Quality of Information Technology.
For over two decades, IWQoS has established itself as a premier forum for presenting novel
ideas on all QoS-related subjects. The 33rd International Symposium on Quality of Service
(IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2025) aims to continue this tradition as an international platform for the
presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research in the field. The scope of IWQoS
encompasses both the latest theoretical advancements and experimental research papers.
Topics of Interest
- Artificial Intelligence for QoS
- Data analytics for QoS
- QoS for data analytics and machine learning
- QoS in Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-physical networks
- QoS in cloud computing, fog computing and edge computing
- Blockchain for QoS
- Security, privacy, system dependability, resilience and robustness
- QoS in software-defined networking
- QoS in information-centric networking
- QoS in mobile and next generation cellular networks
- System dependability, availability, resilience and robustness to faults and security
- Robustness against security vulnerabilities in critical infrastructures
- QoS-aware scheduling, resource management, queue management, admission control
- Traffic engineering approaches and tools for QoS provisioning and evaluation
- QoS evaluation metrics and methodologies
- Quality of software
- QoE in multimedia networks
- Measurement, evaluation, adaptation, and verification
- Network operations, network economics, pricing and billing
- Architectures and protocols for QoS, QoP or QoE support
- Energy awareness in communication and computing systems
- Design for future networks and computing systems with integrated QoS
Important Dates (AoE)
- Paper Registration Deadline: 9 February 2025
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: 16 February 2025†
- Early Rejection Notification: 14 March 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: 4 April 2025
- Camera Ready Submission Deadline: 25†April 2025
Submission Instructions
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts not exceeding 10 single-spaced, double-column
pages (including references) using a font size of 10 points, formatted according to the
standard IEEE template for LaTeX or Microsoft Word. Templates can be downloaded by selecting
ìConferencesî in the IEEE Template Selector at
The review process will be double-blind, requiring submissions to avoid revealing the
authors' names and affiliations, as well as to refrain from obvious self-references. Papers
that do not adhere to these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their
merits. All submissions must be made electronically as PDF files.
Please follow the submission like on to submit your paper.
More information can be found on the website of IWQoS 2025:
Organizing Committee
General Co-Chairs
- Dan Kim, The University of Queensland, Australia
- Surya†Nepal, CSIRO's Data61, Australia
Program Co-Chairs
- Qi Li, Tsinghua University, China
- Salil Kanhere, The University of New South Wales, Australia
- Guangdong Bai,†The University of Queensland, Australia
Finance/Sponsorship Chair
- Xingliang Yuan, The University of Melburne, Australia
Local Co-Chairs
- Naipeng Dong, The University of Queensland, Australia
- Yu Zhang, Griffith University, Australia
Publicity Co-Chairs
- Jianliang Wu, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Neeraj Kumar Singh, IRIT-ENSEEIHT, France
- Ruitao Feng,†Southern Cross University, Australia
Publication Chair
- Kailong Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China