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8th International Workshop on
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology - CBT 2024
(in conjunction with ESORICS 2024 and DPM 2024)
September 19, 2024, Bydgoszcz, Poland
* Submission deadline: **June 23, 2024 (extended)**
* Notification to authors: July 22, 2024
* Camera-ready versions: August 19, 2024
Since the appearance of Bitcoin in 2009, a plethora of new
cryptocurrencies and other blockchain based systems have been deployed
with different success. While some of them are slightly different
copies of Bitcoin, other ones propose interesting improvements or new
usages of the underlying blockchain technology. However, the novelty
of such technologies is often tied with rapid developments and
proof-of-concept software, and rigorous scientific analyses of the
proposed systems are often skipped.
This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers in this area to
carefully analyze current systems and propose new ones in order to
create a scientific background for a solid development of new
cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology systems.
The main topics include (but are not limited to):
* Anonymity and privacy in cryptocurrencies
* Privacy-preserving technologies
* Cryptocurrency based trust systems
* Security analysis of existing cryptocurrencies
* Formal threat models in cryptocurrency systems
* Improvement proposals for existing cryptocurrencies
* Application and service cases of distributed ledgers technologies
* P2P network cryptocurrencies analysis
* Private transactions in blockchain based systems
* New usages of the blockchain technology
* Scalability solutions for blockchain systems
* Blockchain-defined networking
* Smart contracts
* Distributed Identity Management
* Distributed consensus and fault tolerance
* Blockhain Protocols and algorithms
* Transaction Monitoring and Analysis
* Token Economy, finance and payments
* Consensus mechanisms
* On-chain and off-chain code synergies
* Oracles, DeFi, and non-fungible tokens
* Decentralized applications and protocols
* Blockchain as a service
Regular and short papers must be original and not submitted for
publication elsewhere. Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts
following the LNCS Proceedings Manuscript style. Papers are limited to
16 pages (full papers), or 8 pages (short papers) including references
and appendices, and can be submitted as PDF via the CBT 2024 submission
*Double blind review*: CBT requires anonymized submissions -- please
make sure that submitted papers contain no author names or obvious
Accepted regular papers will be published by Springer in the LNCS
collection. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to
register and present their work at the workshop; otherwise the paper
will not be included in the proceedings.
PC Chairs:
Sergi Delgado-Segura - Chaincode Labs
Cristina Perez-Sola - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
PC Members:
Lennart Ante - Blockchain Research Lab
Daniel Augot - INRIA Saclay
Alex Biryukov - University of Luxembourg
Mauro Conti - University of Padua
Vanesa Daza - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Victor Garcia - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Hannes Hartenstein - KIT
Jordi Herrera-Joancomarti - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Jiasun Li - George Mason University
Shin'ichiro Matsuo - Virginia Tech and Georgetown University
Jose Luis Munoz-Tapia - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Guillermo Navarro-Arribas - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Dongming Peng - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Matteo Signorini - Nokia Bell Labs
Hitesh Tewari - Trinity College Dublin
Florian Tschorsch - Technische Universitat Berlin
Eirini Tsiropoulou - University of New Mexico
Dimitrios Vasilopoulos - IMDEA Software Institute
The workshop will be held in Bydgoszcz, Poland, in conjunction
with the 29th annual European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
ESORICS. More information on accommodation and venue available from the
ESORICS 2024 website at
This call for papers and additional information about CBT 2024
can be found at
Kindly contact us at cbt2024(a) in case of doubts or
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