Call for Participation
ICLA 2025: Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications 2025
+ ICLA 2025 conference: February 3 - 5, 2025
+ Pre-conference tutorials/workshops: February 1 - 2, 2025
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata,
203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata - 700108, India
ICLA 2025 Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025
Early bird registration deadline: Jan 11, 2025 AoE
Register now!: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/#registration
About the conference
The Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) is the primary conference of the Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]). It is a forum for bringing together researchers from a variety of fields in which formal logic plays a significant and often foundational role: Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. A special feature of ICLA is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition, as well as historical research on logic. More about the conference and its earlier editions can be found at the ALI website [2].
[1] https://logicindia.org/
[2] https://logicindia.org/icla
The upcoming ICLA 2025 is the 11th edition of the conference and will take place at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata [3] during February 3 - 5, 2025. There will be co-located tutorials/workshops prior to the conference during Feb 1 - 2, 2025.
[3] https://www.isical.ac.in/
ICLA 2025 features
* Best paper and best student paper awards;
* Two kinds of contributed papers:
- Extended abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings that will be published in the FoLLI-LNCS series of Springer [4]. The review process for these abstracts involved a rebuttal phase;
- Short abstracts only for presentation in the conference;
* Invitation to selected accepted papers of the conference for submission to a special issue of a journal (to be announced in due course);
* ALI will co-organize with Jadavpur University, the Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL) which will take place for the first time in India in Kolkata following ICLA 2025.
[4] https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/societies-and-lncs/folli-…
Invited Speakers
Distinguished lecture
- Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA)
Keynote talks
- Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
- Janos Makowsky (Technion, Israel)
- Sophie Pinchinat (University of Rennes, France)
- Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Panel Discussions
+ Goedel's Incompleteness Theorems
- Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
- Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA)
- Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India)
- More confirmations are awaited
+ Education and Careers in Logic
- Janos Makowsky (Technion, Israel)
- Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA)
- R Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, India)
- Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India)
- R Venkatesh (TCS Research, India)
- More confirmations are awaited
Committee Chairs
Program Committee Chairs:
- C Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
- Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India)
- Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India)
Organizing Committee Chairs:
- Sourav Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, India)
- Sujata Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute Chennai, India)
Co-located Events
Pre-conference: Tutorials/Workshops of ICLA 2025
Venue for all the pre-conference events: ISI Kolkata
+ Tutorial on First Order Modal Logic (FOML)
- Organizers:
R Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, India)
- Speakers:
Eugenio Orlandelli (University of Bologna, Italy)
Anantha Padmanabha (IIT Madras, India)
Yanjing Wang (Peking University, China)
Reihane Zoghifard (IPM Teheran, Iran)
- Dates: Feb 2, 2025 (full day)
+ Workshop on the Mīmāṃsā system of logical interpretation of imperatives
- Organizers:
Manidipa Sanyal (University of Calcutta, India)
Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India)
- Speakers:
Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India)
Ranjani Parthasarathi (Anna University, India)
Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India)
- Dates: Feb 1, 2025 (half day)
+ Workshop on Recent Developments in Arithmetic Theories and Applications
- Organizers:
Khushraj Madnani (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
- Speakers:
Toghrul Karimov (MPI-SWS Saarbrücken, Germany)
Chris Köcher (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Alessio Mansutti (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
Mikhail Starchak (St. Petersburg University, Russia)
- Dates: Feb 1, 2025 (half day)
Post-conference: AWPL 2025
- Dates: Feb 6 - 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata [5]
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
- Registration: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/registration
[5] https://jadavpuruniversity.in/
Accepted papers
The list of accepted papers (extended and short abstracts) of ICLA 2025 can be found at:
The following awards will be given to selected accepted papers during the conference.
- Best paper award
- Best student paper award
The registration for the conference and the co-located pre-conference events, is open.
- Early bird registration deadline: Jan 11, 2025 AoE
- Registration link: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/#registration
For more information, please visit https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025.
We look forward to seeing you in Kolkata!
Best regards,
ICLA 2025 Organizers
Dear all,
The next talk in the IARCS Verification Seminar Series will be given by S P
Suresh, a faculty member of Theoretical Computer Science at the Chennai
Mathematical Institute. The talk is scheduled on Tuesday, January 7, at
1900 hrs IST (add to Google calendar
The details of the talk can be found on our webpage (
https://fmindia.cmi.ac.in/vss/), and also appended to the body of this
The Verification Seminar Series, an initiative by the Indian Association
for Research in Computing Science (IARCS), is a monthly, online
talk-series, broadly in the area of Formal Methods and Programming
Languages, with applications in Verification and Synthesis. The aim of this
talk-series is to provide a platform for Formal Methods researchers to
interact regularly. In addition, we hope that it will make it easier for
researchers to explore newer problems/areas and collaborate on them, and
for younger researchers to start working in these areas.
All are welcome to join.
Best regards,
Akash, Deepak, Madhukar, Srivathsan
Title: Insecurity problem for assertions
Meeting Link:
(Meeting ID: 891 6409 4870, Passcode: 082194)
Security protocols underpin most aspects of our digital lives nowadays,
with finance, health, and even citizenship requiring some online
interaction with remote servers over an insecure network, and involving
exchange of sensitive private information. Formal verification of such
protocols has a long history of more than 40 years (and applied on many
fundamental protocols like TLS and the Signal messaging protocol, and
various protocols for electronic voting, e-commerce, etc.).
One of the central theoretical results [Rusinowitch-Turuani (2003)] is that
the problem of deciding if there is a B-bounded attack on a given protocol
is NP-complete, for a fixed number B. A B-bounded attack is one which
involves at most B messages and in which a secret is leaked to the
malicious attacker. The technical challenge is that although the number of
messages is bounded in such attacks, the size of each message is not. In
recent work [Ramanujam-Sundararajan-Suresh (2024)] we extended the above
NP-completeness result to protocols that involve, in addition to
"traditional" messages themselves, certificates or assertions of the form
"the previous term that I sent is encrypted, and the term inside the
encryption is a number between 1 to 10."
In this talk, we describe the insecurity problem, and the solution by
Rusinowitch-Turuani (RT03), and show how we can extend the analysis of RT03
to our setting.
Bio: S P Suresh is a faculty member of Theoretical Computer Science at the
Chennai Mathematical Institute. His research interests include logic in
computer science, concurrency and distributed computing, and formal methods
for security. His other interests include classical Indian logic and
epistemology, Carnatic music, chess, and P G Wodehouse.
Talk announcement
On the occasion of World Logic Day, January 14, 2025,
the DLMPST Commission on Logic Education invites you to
a webinar by Professor Moshe Vardi.
Date: January 14, 2025
Time: 0700 CST, 1300 GMT, 1400 CET, 1830 IST, 2100 (Beijing)
Zoom Link:
URL: https://cmi-ac-in.zoom.us/j/89055168551?pwd=7SeShMDEKSLw1wy6ZaZj4JEa0hiuqE.1
Meeting ID: 890 5516 8551
Passcode: gangesha
Talk details:
Machine Learning and Logic: Fast and Slow Thinking
Moshe Y. Vardi
Rice University
Computer science seems to be undergoing a paradigm shift. Much
of earlier research was conducted in the framework of
well-understood formal models. In contrast, some of the hottest
trends today shun formal models and rely on massive data sets
and machine learning. A cannonical example of this change is the
shift in AI from logic programming to deep learning.
I will argue that the correct metaphore for this development is
not paradigm shift, but paradigm expansion. Just as General
Relativity augments Newtonian Mechanics, rather than replace it
-- we went to the moon, after all, using Newtonian Mechanics --
data-driven computing augments model-driven computing. In the
context of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and logic
correspond to the two modes of human thinking: fast thinking and
slow thinking. The challenge today is to integrate the
model-driven and data-driven paradigms. I will describe one
approach to such an integration -- making logic more
I will conclude by discussing implications for computer-science
Speaker Bio:
Moshe Y. Vardi is a University Professor, and the George
Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering at
Rice University. He is the author and co-author of close to 800
papers, as well as two books. He is the recipient of several
scientific awards, is a fellow of several societies, and a
member of several honorary academies. He holds ten honorary
titles. He is a Senior Editor of Communications of the ACM, the
premier publication in computing, focusing on societal impact of
information technology.
Dear All,
We are delighted to announce that the conference *"Recent Trends in Logic
and Game Theory", *jointly organised by MSE and ISI Chennai*,* will be held
at *Madras School of Economics, Chennai*, from *11th-12th February 2025*.
This conference aims to bring together experts, researchers, and
enthusiasts in the fields of logic and game theory to discuss recent
advancements and foster collaboration.
*Key Details:*
- *Website:* Visit Conference Website
- *Dates:* 11th-12th February 2025
- *Venue:* Madras School of Economics, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
*Important Deadlines:*
- *Contributed Talks Abstract Submission:* 18th January 2025 (AoE)
- *Notification of Acceptance:* 25th January 2025 (AoE)
- *Registration Deadline:* 31st January 2025 (AoE)
*Submission Method: *Please send the abstract to rtlg2025(a)gmail.com, specifying
the topic. For more details, visit the call for contributed talks
Registration is *mandatory* to participate in the conference. Please
register by filling out the form at this link: Registration Form
We look forward to your positive reply and submissions!
Please share this invitation with colleagues and peers who may be
For any queries, please get in touch with us at rtlg2025(a)gmail.co
7th Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic
6-8 February, 2025
Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
The 7th Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic will be held on 6-8 February 2025 at the Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]) will be a co-organizer for this workshop.
The Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL [2]) is a series of events initiated by a group of Asian logicians. Its first instalment took place at JAIST in Japan in 2012. The workshop's primary goal is to promote awareness, understanding, and collaboration among researchers in philosophical logic and related fields. It emphasises the interaction between philosophical ideas and formal theories. AWPL 2025 will happen just after ICLA 2025 [3], which would be held at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, during February 3-5, 2025.
[1] https://logicindia.org/
[2] http://awpl.org/Workshops.html
[3] https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025
Dear Colleagues,
As you may already know, the 11th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA 2025 - https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025) is going to be held at ISI Kolkata during February 3 - 5 2025. Conducted by the Association for Logic in India (ALI - https://logicindia.org), ICLA is a forum for bringing together researchers from a variety of fields in which formal logic plays a significant and often foundational role: Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. A special feature of this conference is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition, and historical research on logic.
In addition to regular papers, ICLA 2025 welcomes poster proposals relating to the above mentioned fields in a broad sense. The proposals may also include early stage ideas that are promising but have not been developed fully. This is a great opportunity to present and discuss your work in more detail with the relevant audience.
Authors are invited to submit a 1-page abstract (excluding references) for their poster proposals in PDF format. The abstracts must be sent to icla2025.posters(a)gmail.com with the subject "ICLA 2025 poster: [Full name of a corresponding author]" by January 7th, 2025 AoE. If you have any queries regarding the posters, do not hesitate to send an email to icla2025.posters(a)gmail.com.
Submission Details:
Submission deadline: 7th January 2025, AoE
Author notification: 9th January 2025, AoE
Submission format: 1-page abstract (excluding references) in PDF format
Email to: icla2025.posters(a)gmail.com
Subject of email: ICLA 2025 poster: [Full name of a corresponding author]
Topics: same as that for ICLA 2025 conference (https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/#submission-topics).
We look forward to your submissions and hope to see you at ICLA 2025.
On behalf of the Organizers of ICLA 2025.
Call for Participation
ICLA 2025: Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications 2025
+ ICLA 2025 conference: February 3 - 5, 2025
+ Pre-conference tutorials/workshops: February 1 - 2, 2025
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata,
203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata - 700108, India
ICLA 2025 Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025
Early bird registration deadline: Jan 11, 2025 AoE
Register now!: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/#registration
About the conference
The Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) is the primary conference of the Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]). It is a forum for bringing together researchers from a variety of fields in which formal logic plays a significant and often foundational role: Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. A special feature of ICLA is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition, as well as historical research on logic. More about the conference and its earlier editions can be found at the ALI website [2].
[1] https://logicindia.org/
[2] https://logicindia.org/icla
The upcoming ICLA 2025 is the 11th edition of the conference and will take place at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata [3] during February 3 - 5, 2025. There will be co-located tutorials/workshops prior to the conference during Feb 1 - 2, 2025.
[3] https://www.isical.ac.in/
ICLA 2025 features
* Best paper and best student paper awards;
* Two kinds of contributed papers:
- Extended abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings that will be published in the FoLLI-LNCS series of Springer [4]. The review process for these abstracts involved a rebuttal phase;
- Short abstracts only for presentation in the conference;
* Invitation to selected accepted papers of the conference for submission to a special issue of a journal (to be announced in due course);
* ALI will co-organize with Jadavpur University, the Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL) which will take place for the first time in India in Kolkata following ICLA 2025.
[4] https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/societies-and-lncs/folli-…
Invited Speakers
Distinguished lecture
- Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA)
Keynote talks
- Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
- Janos Makowsky (Technion, Israel)
- Sophie Pinchinat (University of Rennes, France)
- Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Committee Chairs
Program Committee Chairs:
- C Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
- Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India)
- Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India)
Organizing Committee Chairs:
- Sourav Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, India)
- Sujata Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute Chennai, India)
Co-located Events
Pre-conference: Tutorials/Workshops of ICLA 2025
Venue for all the pre-conference events: ISI Kolkata
+ Tutorial on First Order Modal Logic (FOML)
- Organizers:
R Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, India)
Yanjing Wang (Peking University, China)
- Speakers:
Eugenio Orlandelli (University of Bologna, Italy)
Anantha Padmanabha (IIT Madras, India)
Yanjing Wang (Peking University, China)
Reihane Zoghifard (IPM Teheran, Iran)
- Dates: Feb 2, 2025 (full day)
+ Workshop on the Mīmāṃsā system of logical interpretation of imperatives
- Organizers:
Manidipa Sanyal (University of Calcutta, India)
Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India)
- Speakers:
Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India)
Ranjani Parthasarathi (Anna University, India)
Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India)
- Dates: Feb 1, 2025 (half day)
+ Workshop on Recent Developments in Arithmetic Theories and Applications
- Organizers:
Khushraj Madnani (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
- Speakers:
Alessio Mansutti (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
Mikhail Starchak (St. Petersburg University, Russia)
Chris Köcher (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
(More speaker confirmations are awaited.)
- Dates: Feb 1, 2025 (half day)
Post-conference: AWPL 2025
- Dates: Feb 6 - 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata [5]
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
- Registration: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/registration
[5] https://jadavpuruniversity.in/
Accepted papers
The list of accepted papers (extended and short abstracts) of ICLA 2025 can be found at:
The following awards will be given to selected accepted papers during the conference.
- Best paper award
- Best student paper award
The registration for the conference and the co-located pre-conference events, is open.
- Early bird registration deadline: Jan 11, 2025 AoE
- Registration link: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/#registration
For more information, please visit https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025.
We look forward to seeing you in Kolkata!
Best regards,
ICLA 2025 Organizers
7th Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic
6-8 February, 2025
Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
The 7th Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic will be held on 6-8 February 2025 at the Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]) will be a co-organizer for this workshop.
The Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL [2]) is a series of events initiated by a group of Asian logicians. Its first instalment took place at JAIST in Japan in 2012. The workshop's primary goal is to promote awareness, understanding, and collaboration among researchers in philosophical logic and related fields. It emphasises the interaction between philosophical ideas and formal theories. AWPL 2025 will happen just after ICLA 2025 [3], which would be held at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, during February 3-5, 2025.
[1] https://logicindia.org/
[2] http://awpl.org/Workshops.html
[3] https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025
Bahareh Afshari (University of Gothenburg)
Andreas Herzig (IRIT Toulouse)
Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua University)
Katsuhiko Sano (Hokkaido University)
We will also have a distinguished lecture by:
Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam, Stanford and Tsinghua)
Phan Minh Dung (Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok)
Hu Liu (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou)
Beishui Liao (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou)
Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Hiroakira Ono (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa)
R. Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, Bengaluru)
Hsing-chien Tsai (National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi)
Rupa Bandyopadhyay (Jadavpur University)
Mihir Chakraborty (Jadavpur University)
Amita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University)
Madhumita Chattopadhyay (Jadavpur University)
Sujata Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute) (Co-Chair)
Purbita Jana (Madras School of Economics)
Kohei Kishida (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Serafina Lapenta (University of Salerno)
Dazhu Li (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yanjun Li (Nankai University)
Fei Liang (Shandong University)
Abhishek Anant Nowbagh (Jadavpur University) (Co-Chair)
Hitoshi Omori (Tohoku University)
R.Ramanujam (Azim Premji University)
Abhisekh Sankaran (Tata Consultancy Services Research)
Manidipa Sanyal (University of Calcutta)
Chenwei Shi (Tsinghua University)
Sonja Smets (University of Amsterdam)
Shawn Standefer (National Taiwan University)
Sourav Tarafder (St. Xavier's College)
Yanjing Wang (Peking University)
Yì Nicholas Wáng (Sun Yat-sen University)
Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University)
Fan Yang (Utrecht University)
Gopinath Mondal (Jadavpur University, Kolkata)
Samar Kumar Mondal (Jadavpur University, Kolkata)
Tamoghna Sarkar (Jadavpur University, Kolkata)
Sunirmal Das (Jadavpur University, Kolkata)
Dear All,
Hope this email finds you well. I am happy to share that a
senior project associate/postdoc position is available in my research group
at IISER Bhopal in the area of model checking and formal verification. This
position is funded by the DST-SERB Core Research Grant project titled:
A Graph and Logic Transformation Based Toolkit for Software Model Checking.
I would request you to please share this information with your PhD/Postdoc
students, and colleagues in academia. Candidates with a master's or
bachelor's degree and 4 years of relevant research/industry experience will
also be considered for this position. Interested candidates are encouraged
to directly contact me at : arpit(a)iiserb.ac.in
The details of this position are as follows:
Duration: 2.2 years.
Salary: INR 42,000 + HRA (as applicable) per month.
Essential Qualifications:
Doctoral Degree in Computer Science/Computer
Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent (preferably in model
checking/software verification/formal methods/process algebra/model-based
1. Master of science degree in computer science or Master of Science in
mathematics or Bachelor of Engineering/Technology degree in computer
engineering/computer science from a recognized University/Institute and
having minimum 60% marks or CGPA of 7.5 and above at a scale of 10.
2. Four years' experience in Research and Development in
theoretical computer science (preferably in formal methods/model checking)
in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and
Technology Organisations and Scientific activities and services
1. Strong background in logic, formal methods/model checking.
2. Some prior experience in design and implementation of software tools
for mathematical analysis of software systems.
Age limit: Candidates should be below 40 years of age on the last date of
Start Date: January 2025
Arpit Sharma
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal
Bhopal - 462066, Madhya Pradesh, India
Homepage : https://sites.google.com/iiserb.ac.in/arpit-sharma/
We have an open position in industry leading formal product Jasper from
The position is in Bangalore and we are interested in recently completed
PhDs in formal domain.
Looking for people who are passionate about formal/coding and making an
impact with their knowledge in Jasper.
Please write to me directly at ravipr(a)gmail.com or ravipr(a)cadence.com
for further details.