International Conference on Microservices: Call for Papers
Fifth International Conference on Microservices
October 10th-12th 2023, Pisa, Italy
Important Dates (EXTENDED)
- Submission deadline : July 09th, 2023 (AoE) (extended)
- Notification to authors: July 19th, 2023 (AoE) (extended)
- Camera-ready due: July 30th, 2023 (AoE)
- Early bird registration until: July 30th, 2023 (AoE)
- October 10th-12th, 2023
Theme and Topics
Microservices are pervading enterprise IT, with many big companies already adopting
microservice architectures to deliver their core businesses. Microservices indeed provide
an alternative to traditional software architectures, which brings various additional
benefits, including increased flexibility, scalability, and improved resilience to
failures. Additionally, microservices allow for faster and more efficient development, as
well as better collaboration between cross-functional teams. As the technology landscape
continues to evolve and become more complex, the importance of microservices in building
modern, scalable, and effective applications cannot be overstated.
The 5th International Conference on Microservices (Microservices 2023) seeks contributions
from both industry and academia covering all aspects and phases of the design and
implementation of microservice architectures, as well as experiences based on daily
working with them. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Software engineering methods for microservices, specifically (but not limited to) agile
service design practices, behavior- and domain-driven design
- Formal models for microservices
- Programming languages, notations, and techniques for microservices
- Verification (both static and runtime) of microservice systems
- Testing for microservices: unit tests, system tests, acceptance and regression tests,
test-driven service development
- DevOps for microservices, in particular (but not limited to) continuous deployment and
distributed monitoring
- Microservices in the context of development, security, and operations (DevSecOps)
- Secure by design in the context of Microservices
- Microservice operation and contributor analysis
- Microservice management: fault, configuration, accounting/cost, performance, security
- Co-change and change impact analysis
- Discovery/recovery and reverse engineering of microservices solutions
- Microservice evolution
- Global governance for microservices
- Methodologies for identification, specification, and realization of candidate services
- Patterns for cloud-native application architectures; service API design and management
- Microservices infrastructure components: API gateways, side cars, and service meshes;
reactive messaging brokers; service registries; service containers and cluster managers;
infrastructure as code
- Function-as-a-service and serverless cloud offerings; service-based event sourcing and
data streaming architectures
- Security and other service quality concerns (consistency, availability, recoverability)
in microservices; dealing with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance and
other data privacy requirements Testing for microservices: unit tests, system tests,
acceptance and regression tests, test-driven service development Internet technologies:
services, human interactions, data analytics and AI for IoT, architecture things centric,
sensor networks, security, privacy, applications
- AI and Microservices (including Datasets, Open-source technology)
- Cyber-physical Systems: AI/ML applications, security
- Industrial case studies and applications: Data Science/Big Data, Smart Industry,
Healthcare, Government, Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Empirical studies of microservices adoption
- Case Studies and Surveys on the topic of Microservices
- Sustainable practices in the Microservices community
- Education about Microservices technologies
Submissions Guidelines
A submission should describe a talk to be given at the conference in the form of extended
abstracts with a maximum of two pages for talks from industry and six pages for academic
presentations (including references). Submissions can be based on work in progress,
scientific work published or submitted for publication, practical experience reports, or
practical tool demonstrations. They must further be prepared using the TBA template, be in
PDF format, printable in black and white on A4 paper, and interpretable by common PDF
tools. Submissions must be in English.
Contributions may be submitted via TBA. The submission deadline is June 25th, 2023 AoE.
Resubmissions are allowed until the submission deadline.
Contributions will be reviewed and selected by the Program Committee. Extended abstracts
of accepted contributions will be available electronically before the conference. Selected
contributions will be invited to submit manuscripts based on their abstracts for
conference post-proceedings.
General Chair:
Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa (IT)
Program Chairs:
Tomas Cerny, Baylor University (US)
Valentina Lenarduzzi, University of Oulu (FI)
Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa (IT)
Industrial Liaison Chair:
Claudio Guidi, italianaSoftware (IT)
Publicity Chair:
Alessandro Bocci, University of Pisa (IT)
Philip Wizenty, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (DE)
Local Chairs:
Stefano Forti, University of Pisa (IT)
Steering Committee
Giulio Manzonetto, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Fabrizio Montesi, University of Southern Denmark
Sabine Sachweh, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund
Program Committee
Amr S. Abdelfattah, Baylor University (USA)
Nour Ali, Brunel University London (UK)
Carlo Aliprandi, Extra RED (IT)
Hernán Astudillo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (CL)
Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Justus Bogner, University of Stuttgart (DE)
Andrea Janes, Vorarlberg University of Applied Science (AT)
Ivan Lanese, University of Bologna (IT)
Pavas Navaney, Oracle (USA)
Phu Nguyen, SINTEF (NO)
Claus Pahl, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT)
Florian Rademacher, RWTH Aachen University (DE)
Larisa Safina, INRIA (FR)
Davide Taibi, University of Oulu (FI)
Pavel Tisnovsky, Red Hat (USA)
Nabil El Ioini, The University of Nottingham (MY)
Richard Lipka, University of West Bohemia (CZ)
Muhammad Waseem, University of Jyväskylä (FI)
Contact Information
Please contact us if you have questions: