Dear Prospective Authors,
March 3-5, 2023
IIT Indore, India
ALI, the Association for Logic in India, announces the tenth edition of its
biennial International Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA), to
be held at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore, from March 3rd to
5th, 2023.
ICLA is a forum for bringing together researchers from a wide variety of
fields in which formal logic plays a significant role, including
mathematicians, philosophers, computer scientists, linguists, logicians
studying foundations of formal logic. A special feature of this conference
is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition,
and historical research on logic.
As in the earlier events in this series, we shall have eminent logicians as
invited speakers. Details of the last ICLA (2021) may be found at
*Submission guidelines:*
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished
research in any area of logic and applications. Articles on mathematical
and philosophical logic, foundations and philosophy of mathematics and the
sciences, set theory, history of logic, Indian systems of logic, use of
formal logic in areas of theoretical computer science, formal verification
and artificial intelligence, or on the relationship between logic and other
branches of knowledge, are welcome.
Submissions must be in English and should provide sufficient detail to
allow the programme committee to assess the merits of the paper. The
submission may not exceed 12 pages in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes LaTeX2e
style. All submissions will be in electronic form and submitted through
Easychair via
If necessary, detailed proofs of technical results can be included in a
clearly marked appendix which may be read at the discretion of the
programme committee. The submission must be a PDF file. Concurrent
submission to journals or to other conferences with proceedings is not
allowed. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings, which will be made available at
the time of the conference. It is expected that the conference proceedings
will appear as a volume in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, one of the authors
must commit to presenting the paper at the conference.
*Important dates:*
Deadline for Submission: *2 October 2022*
Notification to Authors: *29 November 2022*
Deadline for camera-ready papers: *16 December 2022*
Conference dates: *3rd - 5th March 2023*
*Programme committee:*
*C. Aiswarya, Chennai Mathematical Institute• Mohua Banerjee (co-chair),
IIT Kanpur• Michael Benedikt, University of Oxford• Thomas Colcombet, IRIF•
Laure David, City, University of London• Soma Dutta, University of Warmia
and Mazury• Deepak D'Souza, IISc Bangalore• John Horty, University of
Maryland• Juliette Kennedy, University of Helsinki• Minghui Ma, Sun Yat-Sen
University• Amaldev Manuel, IIT Goa• Luca Motto Ros, University of Turin•
Alessandra Palmigiano, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam• M. Praveen, Chennai
Mathematical Institute• Prakash Saivasan, IMSc Chennai• H. P.
Sankappanavar, SUNY at New Paltz• Manidipa Sanyal, University of Calcutta•
A. V. Sreejith (co-chair), IIT Goa• Andrzej Szalas, University of Warsaw
and Linkoping University• Giorgio Venturi, Universidade Estadual de
Campinas• Zach Weber, University of Otago*
*Organising committee:*
*Md. Aquil Khan, IIT Indore• Somnath Dey, IIT Indore• M. Tanveer, IIT
Indore• Vijay Kumar Sohani, IIT Indore*
Any queries related to the conference may be sent to the following email
address: icla2023(a)
Sreejith and Mohua